Home (1,721 hotels) Berne Region (68 hotels)

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Berne Region - varied and worth exploring
The Swiss Mittelland provides visitors with a diverse tourist experience. The city of Berne has been the capital of Switzerland since 1848 and its intact Old Town, now over 800 years old, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Enjoy a unique shopping experience among Bern’s over 6 km of medieval arcades. Other cities here are also worth a visit: Solothurn and Olten offer culture and culinary delights. For a more sporting time, do consider the Emmental, with its meadows and hills plus its numerous trails for biking or hiking. The Bern region has many hotels, providing accommodation ranging from simple country inns to luxury 5-star hotels.

Hotels in Berne Region region

Hotel Bahnhof
Classified by gastro suisse
Schüpfen Look at the map
Bernstrasse 7
Hotel Balsthal
Classified by gastro suisse
Balsthal Look at the map
Falkensteinerstrasse 1
Hotel Sternen
Classified by HotellerieSuisse
Muri b. Bern Look at the map
Thunstrasse 80
H4 Hotel Solothurn
Classified by HotellerieSuisse
Solothurn Look at the map
Schänzlistrasse 5
Hotel Linde Stettlen
Classified by HotellerieSuisse
Stettlen b. Bern Look at the map
Bernstrasse 59
Hotel Goldener Schlüssel
Classified by HotellerieSuisse
Berne Look at the map
Rathausgasse 72
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