3280 Murten, Bernstrasse 7
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Guests always look for – and expect – similar things when it comes to a successful aperitif, a delicious meal or a restful night in a three-star hotel. And we are passionate about fulfilling those wishes, with a smile and that little extra in creativity and hospitality. Indeed, the experienced team looks forward to welcoming you to the somewhat different 3-star hotel. Hotel Murten is also a restaurant, a bar concept famous far beyond Murten itself, live concerts and bar music for people aged 25 to 95, and a wine boutique whose two in-house experts are there to guide you through the world of fine wines. Hotel Murten is all about re-experiencing the tried-and-tested, and enjoying the new in proven quality.
- Central location
- Public restaurant
- Bar
- Conference room
- Children's playground
- WiFi (free of charges)