7525 S-chanf, San Güerg
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This accommodation can only be booked for the Engadin Skimarathon!
Stay right next to the finish area of the Engadin Skimarathon. After the race, take a shower in the troop accommodation and travel directly from there. The S-chanf troop accommodation offers accommodation in 24-bed rooms.
The Zuoz Ski Club also offers an evening and morning meal in the Marathon Festival Hall.
This can also be booked and paid for by credit card.
Dinner costs CHF 20.00 and breakfast CHF 15.00 per person.
- Parking: Free of charge
- Showers: 40
- Number of WCs: 24
- Woolen blankets: Not available
- Sleeping bag: Required
- Waxing possibility: Available
- Luggage depot: Possible