Home (1,721 hotels) Jura / Three-Lakes Region (25 hotels)

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Jura & Three-Lakes Region - Hills, islands, and lakes
Enjoy a comfortable cruise on the Three Lakes, enjoy the Jura landscapes on a bike, climb the Chasseral, explore St. Peter's Island, or visit one of the many museums in the region. With the watchmaking town of La Chaux-de-Fonds, the region is home to a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other cities here are also worth a visit: Solothurn, Biel and Neuenburg/Neuchâtel offer culture and culinary delights. Book your hotel online today.

Hotels in Jura / Three-Lakes Region region

Hôtel Restaurant Port Conty
Classified by HotellerieSuisse
St-Aubin-Sauges Look at the map
Rue du Débarcadère 21
Starling Hotel Lausanne
Classified by HotellerieSuisse
St-Sulpice VD Look at the map
Route Cantonale 31
Hôtel Palafitte
Classified by HotellerieSuisse
Neuchâtel Look at the map
Route des Gouttes-d'Or 2
Hôtel du Parc
Classified by HotellerieSuisse
Alle Look at the map
Rue du Mont-Terri 11
Saignelégier Look at the map
Rue de la Gruère 13
Grand Hôtel les Endroits
S Classified by HotellerieSuisse
La Chaux-de-Fonds Look at the map
Boulevard des Endroits 94-96
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